🏦 Grom's Bank
"This wise man observed that wealth is a tool of freedom. But the pursuit of wealth is the way to slavery."
Last updated
"This wise man observed that wealth is a tool of freedom. But the pursuit of wealth is the way to slavery."
Last updated
Once you enter Grom's Bank, you will be able to stake DCAR or mint a limited edition NFT that will emit a particular amount of DCAR.
Swap tokens through Grom's bank. Exchange DCAU and DCAR tokens.
By staking your DCAR with Grom's Bank, you will earn a share of platform revenues in the form of DCAR and DCAU (dual rewards!).
Exclusive and highly limited NFT series that can be staked within Grom's bank to acquire a percentage of platform revenue. Dragon Nest Supporter rewards include DCAR and DCAU yield generation and 1% on every sale in the platform NFT marketplace. Dragon Nest Supporter holders become life-long shareholders in Dragon Crypto and benefit from special Dragon Nest offerings.